Indian Air-Force Y-Group Model Paper In Hindi | ExamSector
Indian Air-Force Y-Group Model Paper In Hindi

Indian Air-Force Y-Group Model Paper In Hindi

Exam Paper  Indian Air-Force Y-Group
Total Question 50
Total Marks 100
Time 1 hour

Indian Air-Force Y-Group Model Paper In Hindi

(Part-I) English

Directions – (Q. I to 5) Read the following pàssage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Florence Nightingle was born in the year 1820 in a small town in Italy. Her parents were famous and rich. They looked after little Florence very carefully. But, Florence was thin and sickly. One day little Florence said to her father, “father, I would like to be a nurse.” The little girl’s father said, “My dear, I do not think you can be a nurse. Nursing is hard work.” “I will try.” said Florence. Soon she began to learn nursing at home.
One day Florence was returning home early from school. On the way she saw a dog lying on the road. It was crying bitterly. An unkind boy hit the poor creature with a big stone. It hurt right leg and it was bleeding badly. Florence became very sad. She gently carried the dog home and nursed the wound. She tied a bandage tightly round the leg. In a week the dog was quite well. Soon the dog became Friendly with Florence. It wagged its tail and jumped around her playfully and licked Florence all over. as if wanted to say, “Thank you, little nurse, thank you.”
1. Florence wanted to become –
(a) An animal lover
(b) A teacher
(c) A nurse
(d) An M.L.A.

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  Answer =   C  

When Florence expressed her desire to become a nurse her father?
(a) Agreed readily
(b) Was very doubtful
(c) Kept silent
(d) None of these

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  Answer =  D   

3. On the way, she saw –
(a) An unkind boy hitting a dog
(b) A wounded dog lying on the road
(c) A dog limping across the road
(d) None of these

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  Answer =  B   

4. Florence nursed the wounded dog because –
(a) She wanted to be a nurse
(b) Her father told her to do so
(c) She felt pity for the dog
(d) None of these

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  Answer =  C   

5. The dog licked Florence all over to
(a) clean her body
(b) express thanks
(c) show its anger
(d) None of these Directions

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  Answer =  B   

(Q.6 to 7) In each of the following questions choose the opposite in meaning –
6. Arid
(a) Cloudy
(b) Juicy
(c) Marshy
(d) Wet

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  Answer =  D   

7. Nadir
(a) modernity
(b) zenith
(c) liberty
(d) progress

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  Answer =  B   

Directions -(Q. 8 to 9) In each of the following questions choose the same word in meaning –
8. Barren
(a) Insane
(b) Rough
(c) Infertile
(d) Lush

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  Answer =  C   

9. Affluence
(a) Richness
(b) Difficulty
(c) Influence
(d) Awkwardness

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  Answer =   A  

Directions – (Q. 10 to 11) choose the error and give its options from (a), (b), (c) and (d) –
(a) I have taken
(b) tea before
(c) I left
(d) for school

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  Answer =  A   

(a) Either the officer
(b) or the senior
(c) cadets commands
(d) the boys

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  Answer = C    

Change the voice:
12. She gave me a book
(a) I was given a book by her
(b) She was given a book
(c) A book is given by her to me
(d) I was given her a book

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  Answer =  A   

13. The young one of a hare is called :
(a) Leveret
(b) Colt
(c) Kid
(d) Lamb

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  Answer =  A   

14. The dog lived in
(a) house
(b) kennel
(c) hole
(d) den

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  Answer =  B   

Fill in blanks:
15. The place for fish and water plants are kept is:
(a) Aquarium
(b) Castle
(c) Convent
(d) Arena

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  Answer =  A   

16. A bad workman quarrels with his.
(a) tools
(b) brush
(c) guns
(d) weapons

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  Answer =  A   

17. Ten miles a long way to walk.
(a) are
(b) is
(c) are being
(d) are not

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  Answer =   B  

18. Had you told me earlier ………….. the meeting.
(a) had attended
(b) have attended
(c) attended
(d) would have attended

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  Answer =  D   

19. He said, ” I attended school yesterday.”
Indirect : He said that
(a) I attended school yesterday.
(b) he attended school the day before.
(c) he had attended school the previous day.
(d) none of these

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  Answer =  C   

Directions : Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom from the choice given.
20. Hot water
(a) a warm water
(b) in trouble
(c) a cheerful time
(d) an easy time

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  Answer =   B  

Indian Air-Force Y-Group Model Paper In Hindi

Part-II Reasoning and General Awareness

21. बाबर व इब्राहिम लोधी के मध्य कौनसी लड़ाई लड़ी गई थी?
(a) पानीपत की दूसरी लड़ाई
(b) पानीपत की पहली लडाई
(c) पानीपात की तीसरी लड़ाई
(d) खानवा का युद्ध

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  Answer =   B  

22. भारत की उत्तर-पूर्व की ओर बहने वाली कौनसी नदी है?
(a) नर्मदा
(b) सोन
(c) ब्रह्म पुत्र
(d) कावेरी

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  Answer =   B  

23. शान्ति स्वरूप भटनागर पुरूस्कार किस क्षेत्र के लिए दिया जाता है?
(a) विज्ञान
(b) साहित्य
(c) संगीत
(d) सिनेमा

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  Answer =  A   

24. ‘कुमार संभव’ पुस्तक के लेखक है:
(a) प्रेमचन्द
(b) बाणभट्ट
(c) राजशेखर
(d) कालीदास

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  Answer =  D   

25. ओजोन परत का कार्य है:
(a) पराबैगनी किरणो को शोषित करना।
(b) प्रकाश किरणों का शोषित करना।
(c) अल्फा किरणों को शोषित करना।
(d) वायमण्डल की नमी को अन्तरिक्ष में न जाने देना।

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  Answer =  A   

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