CTET 31 Jan 2021 Paper I Language 2nd (English) Answer Key
CTET Exam paper 31 January 2021 – Paper 1 (Answer Key) Language 2nd (English) , The Official CTET Answer Key 2021 for Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the Central Teacher Eligibility Test Examination held on 31 January 2021 .
CTET 2021 Exam Question Paper I And II Answer Key – 31 January 2021 CTET Question Paper Answer Key All Sets . उम्मीदवारो ने 31 January 2021 को CTET Exam दिया है .CTET Exam Paper 31 January 2021 को सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित किया गया है।
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Exam Paper :- | Central Teacher Eligbility Test ( CTET ) |
Part = | Part – V (English ) |
Exam Date = | 31 January 2021 |
Exam Time = | 9:30 am to 12:00 Pm |
Total Question = | 30 |
Paper | 1st |
CTET Exam paper 31 January 2021 – Paper 1 ( Answer Key )
Part – V
Language 2nd – English
Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 121 to 128) by choosing the correct/most appropriate options :
1. The study of handwriting is known as graphology and it has been practised for hundreds of years. Professional forensic graphologists have worked on many court cases to use handwriting to link suspects with crimes.
2. Handwriting is particularly important legally in the case of signatures and proving whether signatures are real or forged can be pivotal. Graphologists also work to verify whether autographs are real or fake.
3. Some handwriting analysts also study writing samples to determine personality types and some businesses commission this analysis before hiring new employees. The method is even sometimes used to help couples see if they are compatible. According to graphologists, there is very little you can’t tell from a persons’ handwriting.
4. From psychological conditions like high blood pressure and schizophrenia to personality traits like dominance and aggression : if you write by hand, graphologists can analyse you.
5. Everything from the size of your letters to how closely you space words can reveal intricate details of your personality. In general, the size of your letters can reveal whether you are shy or outgoing. Compared to a standard lied sheet of paper, if you write with tiny letters that do not reach the top line, you are likely to have a timid and introverted personality. If you write with large letters that go over the topline, you are likely to be the opposite : outgoing, confident and attention seeking.
6. Studies suggest that people who space words widely like freedom and independence, whereas those choosing to write with small spaces prefer to be among others and do not like to be alone.
121. A graphologist can give accurate information about
(1) a person’s popularity graph.
(2) a person’s mental health.
(3) setbacks a person is likely to face in future.
(4) a person’s chances of success.
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122. A person who writes with large letters that cross over to the top line is likely to be
(1) outgoing.
(2) introverted.
(3) aggressive.
(4) diffident.
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123. An attention seeking, confident person writes with
(1) tiny letters.
(2) cursive letters.
(3) large letters.
(4) rounded letters.
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124. Read the following statements :
A. Graphology has been practised for thousands of years.
B. A person’s handwriting reveals everything about him.
(1) A is true and B is false.
(2) A is false and B is true.
(3) Both A and B are true.
(4) Both A and B are false.
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125. Which one of the following words is similar in meaning to the word, ‘verify’ (Para-2) as used in the passage ?
(1) Clarify
(2) Confirm
(3) Notify
(4) Discover
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126. Which one of the following words is opposite in meaning to reveal’ (Para 5) as used in the passage ?
(1) Blacken
(2) Repeal
(3) Conceal
(4) Teal
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127. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence ?
Graphologists can verify whether the autographs are real or fake ?
(1) Adverb
(2) Preposition
(3) Pronoun
(4) Conjunction
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128. Which of the following statements is not true?
Handwriting is used by graphologists to
(1) nail criminals.
(2) verify genuineness of signatures.
(3) help couples to determine their suitability to each other.
(4) predict about a person’s future criminal tendency.
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Directions: Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 129 to 135) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.
1. There is something we all want to do, although few of us readily admit it: Get rid of guests.
2. For nine months in the year, only my closest friends come to see me. Then, when temperatures start soaring in the plains, long-lost acquaintances suddenly remember that I exist, and people whom I am barely able to recognize appear at the front door, willing to have me put them up for periods ranging from six days to six weeks.
3. Occasionally, I am the master of the situation I inform them that the cottage is already bursting, that people are sleeping on the floor. If the hopefuls start looking around for signs of these uncomfortable guests, I remark that they have all gone out for a picnic.
4. The other day I received visitors who proved to be more thick-skinned than most. The man was a friend of a friend of an acquaintance of mine. I had never seen him before. But on the strength of this distant relationship, he had brought his family along.
5. I tried the usual ploy but it didn’t work. The man and his family were perfectly willing to share the floor with any others who might be staying with me.
6. So I made my next move. I must warn you about the scorpions’, I said. The scorpion-scare is effective with most people. But I was dealing with professionals. The man set his son rolling up the carpet. “Sometimes centipedes fall from the ceiling’, I said desperately.
7. We were now interrupted by someone knocking on the front door. It was the postman with a rejected manuscript, his arrival inspired me to greater inventiveness.
8. ‘I’m terribly sorry’, I said, staring hard at a rejection slip. ‘I’m afraid I have to leave immediately. A paper wants me to interview the Maharishi. I hope you won’t mind. Would you like the name of a good hotel ?’
9. ‘Oh, don’t worry about us’, said the woman expansively. “We’ll look after the house while you are away.’
129. Which one of the following ploys does the author not use to get rid of unwanted guests ?
(1) The place is infested with scorpions.
(2) Centipedes fall from the ceiling.
(3) There is acute water scarcity.
(4) He has already too many guests.
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130. Which of the following does not apply to the unwelcome guests ?
(1) They are utterly shameless.
(2) They want to enjoy themselves at the author’s expense.
(3) They are thick-skinned.
(4) They don’t have enough money to stay at a hotel.
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131. The postman delivered to the author
(1) a letter inviting him to interview the Maharishi.
(2) his rejected manuscript alongwith a cheque.
(3) his rejected manuscript alongwith a rejection slip.
(4) a letter. commissioning him to write a new novel.
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132. Which one of the following words is similar in meaning to the word. ‘readily’ (Para 1) as used in the passage ?
(1) frankly
(2) easily
(3) efficiently
(4) plainly
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133. Which one of the following words is opposite in meaning to the word, ‘soaring’ (Para 2) as used in the passage?
(1) hovering
(2) exasperating
(3) falling
(4) deteriorating
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134. Which part of the following sentence contains an error ?
(a) Both Raghunath as well as Ravishi
(b) have given
(c) their consent
(d) to the new proposal
(1) (d)
(2) (a)
(3) (c)
(4) (b)
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135. Which of the following is true ?
People who visit the author at the onset of the summer are
(1) his old school mates.
(2) his closest friends and relatives.
(3) people whom he hardly knows.
(4) his colleagues.
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Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options.
136. Which one of the following activities comes under CALP ?
(1) Writing book reviews
(2) Making reservations
(3) Answering calls
(4) Making an appointment for a saloon
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137. The branch of linguistics that deals with the explanation of the relation between language and society is known as _____
(1) Societal language
(2) Psycholinguistics
(3) Sociolinguistics
(4) Anthropological linguistics
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138. Formative assessment helps in
(1) assessing a teacher’s efficiency in teaching
(2) providing qualitative feedback to learners to improve.
(3) creating an environment where learners can compete with each other.
(4) engaging learners in meaningful tasks and preparing them for competitive exams.
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139. Communicative language teaching method in English lays stress on giving opportunities to learners to participate in a purposeful talk in the classroom as it promotes
(1) the use of mother tongue freely in the classroom.
(2) learners to encounter with real life situations.
(3) their written expression in the classroom.
(4) learners to minimize spelling and grammatical errors.
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140. As per Stephen Krashen, “The effective language teacher is someone who can provide input and help make it ____ in a low anxiety situation.
(1) easier
(2) grammatical
(3) comprehensible
(4) fluent
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141. A teacher divides the class into groups of five and asks them to discuss what they would do if they were caught in one of the following situations :
– Their friend falls down in the play field and is hurt…..
– They are trapped in a building on fire…….
– They are stuck up in a traffic jam…….
This activity is based on ____
(1) Grammar translation method
(2) Audio lingual approach
(3) Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach
(4) Structural Approach
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142. The one that cannot be further divided into smaller grammatically meaningful components is _____
(1) a phoneme
(2) a morpheme
(3) a diphthong
(4) syntax
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143. Alka, a student of class III often makes a mistake between /sh/ and /s/. As a language teacher your interpretation will be
(1) Alka is a careless student.
(2) It’s due to influence of her dialect or language.
(3) Alka’s pronunciation is not clear hence you will give her more practice.
(4) As a teacher you will ignore such silly mistakes.
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144. A language teacher asks students to make a butterfly with paper by following her instructions. This activity will help the students to develop ______
(1) paper making skill
(2) listening comprehension
(3) paper folding skill
(4) reading comprehension
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145. A language teacher asks students to collect flowers to make a flower scrap book. She also asks them to write the name of each flower in their language and in English. This activity will help her to promote _____
(1) a love for nature
(2) integration of subjects
(3) multilingualism
(4) language across the curriculum
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146. In which of the following the role of the learner is that of an independent learner ?
(1) Teaching Aid
(2) Building as a Learning Aid
(3) Teaching learning materials
(4) Integrated materials
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147. Creating a reading corner in the classroom helps _____
(1) children to learn and revise their syllabus thoroughly.
(2) to provide opportunities to children to select books independently as per their interest.
(3) the children but burdens the teacher to maintain a register and keep record of their work.
(4) to share the responsibility of the librarian as the books are issued by the teacher.
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148. Small kids at their initial stage love to move pen and pencil in to and fro or up and down position. This way of writing is _____
(1) drawing
(2) scribbling
(3) invented writing
(4) zig-zag writing
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149. In a language classroom a teacher is asking students to interact in groups and then share their personal response to the poem with each other. This task promotes social interaction as advocated by _______
(1) Chomsky
(2) Piaget
(3) Skinner
(4) Lev Vygotsky
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150. In a language classroom you have asked students to write down the directions for reaching your home from school. When students have written down the directions, they will then present their directions in pairs to each other. This activity will help to increase
(1) their CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency).
(2) their Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS).
(3) their directional sense which a student often confuses.
(4) the integration of language with science.
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