CTET 31 Jan 2021 Paper I Language 1st (English) Answer Key | ExamSector
CTET 31 Jan 2021 Paper I Language 1st (English) Answer Key

CTET 31 Jan 2021 Paper I Language 1st (English) Answer Key

CTET Exam paper 31 January 2021 – Paper 1 (Answer Key) Language 2nd (Hindi) , The Official CTET Answer Key 2021 for Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the Central Teacher Eligibility Test Examination held on 31 January 2021 .

CTET 2021 Exam Question Paper I And II Answer Key – 31 January 2021 CTET Question Paper Answer Key All Sets  . उम्मीदवारो ने  31 January 2021 को CTET Exam दिया है .CTET Exam Paper 31 January 2021 को सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित किया गया है।

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Exam Paper :- Central Teacher Eligbility Test ( CTET )
Part =  Part – IV (English )
Exam Date =  31  January 2021
Exam Time = 9:30 am to 12:00 Pm
Total Question =   30
Paper   1st

CTET Exam paper 31 January 2021 – Paper 1 ( Answer Key )

Part – IV
Language 1 – English

Directions : Read the passage given below and answer. the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 91 to 99), by selecting the correct/ most appropriate options :
1. Each drop represents a little bit of creation and of life itself. When the monsoon brings to northern India the first rains of summer, the parched earth opens its pores and quenches its thirst with a hiss of ecstasy. After baking in the sun for the last few months, the land looks cracked, dusty and tired. Now, almost overnight, new grass springs up, there is renewal everywhere, and the damp earth releases a fragrance sweeter than any devised by man.
2. Water brings joy to earth, grass, leaf bud, blossom, insect, bird, animal and the pounding heart of man. Small children run out of their homes to romp naked in the rain. Buffaloes, which have spent the summer listlessly around lakes gone dry, now plunge into a heaven of muddy water. Soon the lakes and rivers will overflow with the monsoon’s generosity. Trekking in the Himalayan foothills, I recently walked for kilometres without encountering habitation. I was just scolding myself for not having brought along a water bottle, when I came across a patch of green on a rock face. I parted a curtain of tender maiden hair fern and discovered a tiny spring issuing from the rock-nectar for the thirsty traveller.
3. I stayed there for hours, watching the water descend, drop by drop. into a tiny casement in the rocks. Each drop reflected creation. That same spring, I later discovered, joined other springs to form a swift, tumbling stream, which went cascading down the hill into other streams until, in the plains, it became part of a river. And that river flowed into another mightier river that kilometres later emptied into the ocean. Be like water, taught Laotzu, philosopher and founder of Taoism. Soft and limpid, it finds its way through, over or under any obstacle. It does not quarrel; it simply moves on.
91. Children respond to the first rains of summer by
(1) giving shouts of joy.
(2) floating paper boats in water.
(3) running and playing in the rain.
(4) singing songs.

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  Ans.- (1 )

92. The tiny spring issuing from the rock is hidden by
(1) thick moss.
(2) maiden hair fern.
(3) bushes and creepers.
(4) tall grass.

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  Ans.- ( 2)

93. To become part of a river, a tiny drop has to
(1) have a lot of strength.
(2) depend on external forces.
(3) suffer a lot.
(4) merge its identity.

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  Ans.- (3 )

94. Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to the word ‘pounding’ as used in para 2 of the passage?
(1) shaking
(2) benumbing
(3) palpitating
(4) sinking

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  Ans.- (3 )

95. Which one of the following words is most opposite in meaning to the word ‘descend’ (para 3) as used in the passage ?
(1) flow
(2) ascend
(3) hover
(4) zoom

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  Ans.- ( 2)

96. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence ?
Almost overnight new grass spring up.
(1) Preposition
(2) Pronoun
(3) Adjective
(4) Adverb

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  Ans.- ( 4)

97. Which part of the following sentence contains an error ?
(a) He knew
(b) that he will
(c) go back
(d) on his promise
(1) (a)
(2) (b)
(3) (c)
(4) (d)

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  Ans.- (4 )

98. Which of the following statements is not true?
(1) There is renewal everywhere.
(2) New grasses spring up.
(3) The sweltering heat comes to an end.
(4) The damp earth releases a sweet fragrance.

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  Ans.- ( 3)

99. The earth does not look ______ before the onset of the monsoon.
(1) cracked
(2) brown
(3) dusty
(4) tired

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  Ans.- (3 )

Directions : Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 100 to 105) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair,
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

100. The tree presses its mouth against the sweet earth’s flowing breast to
(1) express its gratitude to it.
(2) draw sustenance from it.
(3) draw inspiration from it.
(4) express its love for it.

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  Ans.- (4 )

101. The tree prays to God by
(1) swinging its branches.
(2) lifting her arms.
(3) producing fruit and flowers.
(4) providing shade to travellers.

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  Ans.- (2 )

102. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the poem ?
(1) The tree welcomes the snow on its bosom. :
(2) The tree symbolizes strength and stability.
(3) The tree allows birds to build their nests in it.
(4) It lives closely with rain.

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  Ans.- (2 )

103. Name the figure of speech used in lines 3 and 4.
(1) Simile
(2) Personification
(3) Metonymy
(4) Alliteration

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  Ans.- (2 )

104. Identify and name the figure of speech used in ‘Poems are made by fools like me’.
(1) Metaphor
(2) Personification
(3) Simile
(4) Hyperbole

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  Ans.- (3 )

105. The word, ‘mouth’ in line 3 refers to the _____ of the tree.
(1) crown
(2) branches
(3) trunk
(4) roots

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  Ans.- ( 4)

Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options.
106. A language teacher firstly, asks students to introduce themselves to each other in the class. Then she asks them to introduce their friend to each other. This activity will help them to increase
(1) BICS
(2) CALP
(3) PPPP
(4) ELT

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  Ans.- (1 )

107. Literature should be included in language classroom because
(1) it helps learners to be budding writers.
(2) it gives exposure to different grammatical forms and structures.
(3) it develops moral values among the learners.
(4) it exposes them to different genres, culture and social issues.

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  Ans.- (4 )

108. A teacher makes her learners respond to her actions and speech only by bodily movements. What is this known as ?
(1) Total Physical Response
(2) Task Based Language Teaching
(3) Communicative Approach
(4) Play-way method

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  Ans.- (1 )

109. In a language class students are memorizing the dialogues through drill and practice and the teacher is correcting their pronunciation, mistakes immediately. They are practising the dialogues in chorus. The teacher is following the
(1) Direct method
(2) Natural method
(3) Audiolingual method
(4) CLT method

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  Ans.- ( 3)

110. The oral errors of the students can be best corrected if the teacher
(1) corrects an error directly after the student has made the error.
(2) points out the error in general and lets the student try to correct himself first.
(3) ignores the error as it may hamper their learning.
(4) asks other students to help him as peer tutoring is must in schools.

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  Ans.- ( 2)

111. As a pair activity the teacher gives her learners almost the same pictures and asks them to find the difference between the two students, ask each other questions to discover how the two pictures are different. This can be a
(1) grammar activity
(2) speaking activity
(3) cloze based activity
(4) crosswords activity

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  Ans.- ( 2)

112. A student of class IV is having some problem in writing. She may have
(1) dyslexia
(2) dysgraphia
(3) dysphasia
(4) dyscalculia

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  Ans.- (2 )

113. It specifies the rules which govern the Arrangement of words into phrases, clauses and sentences.
(1) Discourse
(2) Semantics
(3) Syntax
(4) Cohesion

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  Ans.- ( 3)

114. A teacher of class VI has labelled the classroom objects such as blackboard, door, window, fan, table, chair etc. in different languages (Hindi, English, Urdu, Sanskrit etc). Here the classroom as a whole
(1) is learning through grammar translation method.
(2) is creating a language confusion in students.
(3) is focusing on three language formula.
(4) is a rich resource for promoting multilingualism.

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  Ans.- ( 4)

115. The assessment process not only Assesses students’ learning but also assesses teacher’s teaching process. This statement is
(1) fully wrong
(2) fully right
(3) partially right
(4) baseless

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  Ans.- ( 2)

116. The language which is learnt from environment without any explicit teaching is
(1) First language
(2) Second language
(3) Third language
(4) School language

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  Ans.- (1 )

117. A teacher is facing the problem of students’ poor spelling. She listed the probable causes for if and then decided to frame some steps to overcome it. This whole process is
(1) Problem solving
(2) Improving spelling
(3) Action research
(4) Applied research

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  Ans.- (3 )

118. Reading picture book means
(1) exposing learners to different styles of drawing
(2) to help learners to understand and analyse the pictures.
(3) to help learners to draw neat and colourful pictures.
(4) that children love pictures and it will be a fun loving class.

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  Ans.- (2 )

119. Before starting a new chapter from a textbook, a teacher should at first focus on _____.
(1) the background setting of story, its history etc.
(2) the work profile of the poet/writer.
(3) relating the story with the previous experiences of learners.
(4) the grammatical structures in the chapter and difficult words.

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  Ans.- (3)

120. Teacher asks learners to read aloud in the English class. This way of reading will
(1) enable learners to develop reading skill with understanding.
(2) enable learners to read with correct pronunciation using the punctuation marks.
(3) enable a learner to be a fast reader.
(4) help the teacher to complete the syllabus within the stipulated time.

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  Ans.- (1 )

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