Introduction to Ms-Power Point ?
- A PowerPoint presentation is a presentation created using Microsoft PowerPoint software. The presentation is a collection of individual slides that contain information on a topic. PowerPoint presentations are commonly used in business meetings and for training and educational purposes. Microsoft PowerPoint is a software product used to perform computerbased presentations. There are various circumstances in which a presentation is made: teaching a class, introducing a product to sell, explaining an organizational structure, etc. The preparation and the actual delivery of each are quite different. PowerPoint typically comes with a set of preloaded themes for you to choose from. These can range from simple color changes to complete format layouts with accompanying font text. Themes can be applied through the whole presentation or a single slide. Using the page setup allows you to optimize the presentation for the display size; for instance, you should use a larger screen ratio when displaying on a projector compared to a computer screen.
Features of Ms-Power Point :-
- PowerPoint software features and formatting options include a wizard that walks you through the presentation creation process. Design templates prepackaged background designs and font styles that will be applied to all slides in a presentation. When viewing a presentation, slide progression can be manual, using the computer mouse or keyboard to progress to the next slide, or slides can be set up to progress after a specified length of time. Slide introductions and transitions can be added to the slides.
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Important Point :-
❖ The World Wide Web (WWW) is an internet based service, which uses common set of rules known as Protocols, to distribute documents across the Internet in a standard way.
❖ The Internet is a massive network of networks. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet.
❖ Search engines are the programs which are needed to extract the information from the internet.
❖ A search engine works in the following order: Web crawling, Indexing, Searching
❖ A web server commonly known as HTTP server or application server is a program that serves content using the HTTP protocol.
❖ A Web page can contain an article, or a single paragraph, photographs, and it is usually a combination of text and graphics.
❖ A browser is a software that lets you view web pages, graphics and the online content.
❖ The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol, uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Transport Control Protocol (TCP) for managing the security of a message transmission on the Internet.
❖ A blog is a web site like any other, but it is intended to offer personal opinions of people on their hobbies, interests, commentaries, photo blogs, etc.
❖ URL’s, or ‘uniform resource locators’, are the web browser addresses of internet pages and files. It is the way to locate a file or document on the Internet.
There are two types of URL: Absolute and Relative.
A protocol is a set of rules that governs the communication between computers on a network.
Basic internet Computer Questions and Answers
Q: What is the internet?
(a) a single network
(b) a vast collection of different networks
(c) interconnection of local area networks
(d) none of the mentioned
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Q: What is an ‘intranet’?
(a) Internal internet is used to transfer information internally
(b) Internal internet is used to transfer information to the outside company.
(c) Internal network designed to serve the internal formational needs of a single organization.
(d) Internal network designed to transfer information between two organizations
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Q: __ servers store and manage files for network users.
(a) Authentication
(b) Main
(c) Web
(d) File
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Q: ISP stands for
(a) Internet Security Protocol
(b) Intelligent Service Package
(c) Internet Service Provider
(d) Intelligent Service Provider
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Q: Which one of the following protocols is not used on the internet?
(a) HTTP
(b) DHCP
(c) DNS
(d) none of the mentioned
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Q: What does the internet term “thread” refer to?
(a) A series of linked messages
(b) A self-replicating virus
(c) A category of browser
(d) A common fault in display devices
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Q: What’s the name of the program or service that lets you view e-mail messages ?
(a) Web browser
(b) E-mail clients
(c) E-mail id
(d) Internet
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Q: When sending an e-mail, the ______ line describes the contents of the message?
(a) to
(b) subject
(c) contents
(d) CC
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Q: http stands for
(a) hyper text transfer protocol
(b) hypertet transmission protocol
(c) high transfer transport protocol
(d) hyper transfer text protocol
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Q: Internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network is provided by
(a) leased line
(b) digital subscriber line
(c) digital signal line
(d) none of the mentioned
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Q: Sending an e-mail is similar to __
(a) picturing an event
(b) narrating a story
(c) writing a letter
(d) creating a drawing
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Q: What does SMTP in an SMTP server stand for ?
(a) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(b) Serve Message Text Process
(c) Short Messaging Text Process
(d) Short Messaging Transfer Protocol
Answer ⇒ ??