Coughs and colds in children – treatment & causes
- children Cold-cough- This is a very common ailment in children. Changing weather especially winter causes cold and cough. If the common cough and cold is neglected they take an ugly turn and gives rise to pneumonia and bronchitis. Therefore, this ailment should not be taken lightly and its treatment should be availed of at the earliest.
Causes of Coughs and colds in children
1. Excess of cold weather
2. Children playing in water in winters
3. Coming in contact with infected person
4. Sudden change in temperature.
5. Taking the child in open space immediately after bathing with hot water
Treatment of Coughs and colds in children
1. Prevent the patient from cold
2. Sponge and not bathing the patient prevents further aggravation of cold
3. Keeping away from cold things
4. Wearing sufficient woolen clothes in winter
5. Do not take the baby for bathing immediately after oil-massage.
6. Let the baby rest for ample time
7. Keep the clothes and towel of patient separate
8. If cough and cold persists for more than 3-4 days, consult a doctor.
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Important Points of Childhood Diseases :-
- The early symptoms of common diseases are-changes in behaviour, loss of appetite, irregular bowel movements, change in body temperature, activeness, skin, weight, sleep, etc.
- Diarrhoea is a result of irregular eating habits and time, excessive consumption of milk or cold and rancid milk or fat-rich milk by an infant, beginning of dentition, etc.
- Constipation is a condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened faeces.
- Liver disease or intestinal infection leads to loss of appetite.
- After feeding milk holding the baby over shoulder, rubbing hand on his back so that he belches reduces chances of milk vomiting.
- Round worm, tape worm and hook worm is found in stomach.
- Consuming contaminated food and water and eating with dirty hands causes entry of worms in body.
- If cough-cold are not treated on time they may cause pneumonia and typhoid.
- Goitre is a throat related disease.
- Fever is defined as having a temperature above the normal range due to an increase in the body’s temperature.
- A convulsion is a medical condition in which body muscles contract and relax rapidly and repeatedly, resulting in an uncontrolled shaking of the body, teeth tighten, face becomes yellow.
Childhood Diseases Questions and Answers
1. The body temperature rises because of
(a) Fever
(b) Indigestion of food
(c) Not bathing
(d) Un-cleanliness
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2. When sick child
(a) Plays
(b) Feels tired and lethargic
(c) Feels happy
(d) Eats excess of food
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3. When faeces are discharged from the bowels more than 4 times a day, it is a symptom of
(a) Constipation
(b) Vomiting
(c) Diarrhoea
(d) Worms in stomach
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4. Which of the following is infectious-?
(a) Cough
(b) Constipation
(c) Jaundice
(d) Jaundice
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5. Which body part is affected by ?
(a) Ears
(b) Throat
(c) Eyes
(d) Mouth
Answer :- ?????