How do you care for a pregnant woman ?
Care of pregnant lady :-
- Diet- Diet is of extreme importance during pregnancy. Consumption of balanced diet is best for the health. In this condition, additional food elements (carbohydrates, protein, vitamin, minerals) are also required.
- The balanced diet of a pregnant woman should include foods that are rich in carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine), water and fiber such as cereals (rice, wheat, millet, barley, maize, ragi, etc ), milk, milk products, cottage cheese, pulses, curd, eggs, fish, soyabean, groundnuts, dry fruits, oil, butter, coconut, oil seed, papaya, mango, carrot, green leafy vegetables, jaggery, turnip, turmeric, banana etc.
- Pregnant mother should take short meals 5-6 times a day instead of one or two time full course meals.
- Spicy, oily, stodgy food
- Green leafy vegetables, unpeeled fruits, yellow vegetables, salad, milk, buttermilk etc, should make a major portion of the balanced diet.
- Intake of water should be more.
- Shelled lentils, bran flour, sprouted grains solve the problem of constipation.
- Dinner should be consumed 2 hours before the sleeping time.
- Stale and stodgy food should be avoided.
- Rest and sleep should be adequate and regular so that physical activities can be carried out easily and blood circulation stays smooth.
- Light exercise should be done.
- Fresh air and sunlight should be taken adequately so that mental peace as well as physical health is maintained.
- Clean body, environment, food, clothes should. be maintained.
- Mental health should be well taken care of. Pregnant mother should remain happy, tension- free, and positive and should go for a walk in open space in fresh air.
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Important Points of Pregnancy :-
- The gestational period is 9 months and 7 days. The gestational period is counted from the last day of menstrual cycle till the day of childbirth.
- A late period, morning sickness, urge for more sleep, frequent urination, enlargement of stomach etc are some of the symptoms of first 5 months of pregnancy.
- Growth in self-activity of foetus, increase in weight of breasts, contraction in muscles of legs and uterus etc are some of the symptoms of the last 5 months of pregnancy.
- Changes in metabolism, urinary tract, blood circulation, respiration, pelvic joints etc are some of the internal changes in pregnancy. Three stages of pregnancy- zygote formation, embryonic stage, and foetus.
- Nutrition, health of expecting mother, consumption of drugs and alcohol, emotional feelings of mother, age of mother-father affects the gestational development.
- Insomnia, hemorrhoids, inflammation, short breath, constipation, chest burn, vomiting etc are the hardships of pregnancy.
- For the good health of baby and herself mother should take a balanced diet.
Pregnancy Questions and Answers
1. The gestational period is
(a) 10 months 2 days
(b) 9 months 7 days
(c) 8 months
(d) 7 months
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2. The initial symptom of pregnancy is
(a) Urge to sleep more
(b) late period
(c) More saliva secretion
(d) frequent urination
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3. Mother gets the indication of foetus’ presence in
(a) 3″ month
(c) 4″ month
(b) 7″ month
(d) 6″ month
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4. The first stage of gestational development is
(a) Embryonic stage
(b) foetus
(c) Implantation
(d) zygote formation
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5. Implantation in pregnancy is
(a) Formation of gums in foetus
(b) adherence of foetus to uterine wall
(c) Placenta
(d) formation of organs and muscles
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6. In which month is gender decided
(a) 2″ month
(b) 4″ month
(c) 5″ month
(d) 6″ month
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7. Factors affecting gestational development
(a) Nutrition of mother
(b) attitude of mother father
(c) Consumption of drugs and alcohol
(d) all of these
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8. Weight of child at the time of birth should be
(a) 2.5-3.0 kg
(b) 3.0-3.5 kg
(c) 5.0-6.0 kg
(d) 4.0-4.5 kg
Answer :- ?????