Different vaccines for prevention of diseases
1. Chicken pox vaccine-
- Chicken Pox is a serious disease. At present, this is under control. The main solution for this disease is getting vaccinated in the first week after birth.
- Chicken Pox vaccine was discovered by Edward Jenner (1978). His experiments have proved that cow pox provides protection against small pox. `Cowpox’ or `Vaccnia’ virus is administered through the vaccine which provides disease resistance capacity.
- Pressure method is used for applying injections. Before the child is vaccinated for chicken pox, it should be ensured that he is not suffering from fever or is not weak and has no skin problem. The last patient of this disease was reported in 1975.
2. B.C.G Vaccine-
- BCG Vaccine is administered for prevention from Tuberculosis. This vaccine is first given in the first month of birth and then at the age of 5 or 7. BCG was prepared by two scientists- Calmette and Guerin and hence, the name of the vaccine- Bacilli Calmette Guerin (B.C.G) .
- Tuberculin Skin Test is performed for applying BCG vaccine. Only Tuberculin negatives are given the BCG vaccine.
- This vaccine is injected in the upper part of the arm. After 6 weeks to 3 months of vaccination, a lump is formed. This stays for 2-3 months. If the lump stays for longer period, the person should consult the doctor.
3. D.P.T. (Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and Tetanus) or Triple Antigen-
- The vaccine components include Diphtheria and Tetanus toxoids and killed whole cells of the organism that cause Pertussis (WP). This vaccine should be administered to all the newborns in 3rd, 4th and 5th month. The booster vaccine is given in the 2nd year. With this, the child is secured against the disease attacking period.
- After this vaccination, baby suffers from fever and there is soreness at the point of vaccination. Medication for fever and soreness should be taken from a doctor. Fever stays for 24 hours and if baby suffers for longer, a doctor should be consulted.
4. Polio Vaccine-
- There is no cure available for Polio and so administration of vaccine for polio becomes very important. Now-a-days, polio vaccine in the form of liquid drops or as sweet tablets is given. As it is given orally so the problem of fever or soreness does not appear.
- Trivalent Oral Polio vaccine is available in our country. It is given when baby is 2-3 months old. 3 doses of the vaccine should be given at fixed duration of 4-8 weeks. Thereafter, dose is given once in a year to increase disease resistance. If oral polio vaccine is not available, then polio injections are given. If the child is suffering from diarrhoea or other viral disease then oral polio vaccine should not be given. It is best to give triple antigen and polio vaccine at the same time.
5. Typhoid and Para-typhoid-
- Typhoid is a prevalent disease in India. A combined vaccine of typhoid and Para-typhoid is available in the market. Sometimes Cholera vaccine is also included in it. When the child is of 2 years or a little less, this vaccine is given. This vaccine is generally given 2-3 times within a gap of 1¬4 weeks. Secondary vaccine of this should be administered every year. The best time to give typhoid vaccine is the beginning of summers. The injection has Para-typhoid vaccine too. Fever and soreness are common side-effects.
6. Cholera Vaccine-
- Just like Typhoid vaccine, Cholera vaccine should be administered when the baby is 1-2 years of age. Summers are the suitable time for its application. This vaccine is generally given 2-3 times within a gap of 1-4 weeks. Vaccine should be administered every year to increase disease resistance.
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Important Points of Development in Infancy and Childhood :-
- After the baby’s birth he should be vaccinated on time so that his body develops resistance capacity for different diseases.
- A person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine.
- A baby should be vaccinated for chickenpox in the first week after birth.
- BCG vaccine is given for protection against tuberculosis.
- Triple antigen vaccine is given for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.
- Polio vaccine is orally administered.
- Typhoid, Para-typhoid and cholera vaccine is given in combination.
1. Chickenpox Vaccine is administered in
(a) First week after birth
(b) First month after birth
(c) First year after birth
(d) Five years after birth
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Answer :- ( A )
2. BCG Vaccine is given for
(a) Tuberculosis
(b) Measles
(c) Jaundice
(d) Polio
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Answer :- ( A )
3. Lump is formed after which vaccination
(a) Chickenpox
(b) BCG
(c) Whooping Cough
(d) Typhoid
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Answer :- ( B )
4. Which of the following vaccine is given orally ?
(a) Jaundice
(b) Cholera
(c) Measles
(d) Polio
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Answer :- ( D )
5. Which of the following vaccines can be given in combination?
(a) Chickenpox and Measles
(b) Polio and Typhoid
(c) Cholera and Typhoid
(d) Tuberculosis and Whooping cough
Answer :- ?????