What is a Keyboard ?
- Keyboard is most commonly used input device.
- It is similar like a type writer which is used to enter data in the computer.
- It contains sets of keys such as alphabets, number & special signs.
- There are two types of keyboard.
o General purpose keyboard
o Special purpose keyboard
- Standard keyboard which are used in personal computers.
- It contains enough keys which are used in all types of applications so they are known as general purpose keyboard.
- Most popular general purpose keyboard contains 101 keys.
- The general purpose keyboard are divided into following parts:
- The centred part of the keyboard is known as alphanumeric keypad.
- It contains alphabets, numbers & special signs such as *,!, @, #, $, %,* etc.
- The right most part of the keyboard is known as numeric keypad.
- It contains 0 to 9 numbers & mathematical signs such as +, *, -, /.
- Mainly used for fast data entry in mathematical applications.
- Set of four keys up, down, left & right.
- Used to move the cursor at left & right or up and down on the screen.
- They are referred as “cursor-control” or “cursor-movement” keys.
- The first line of the keyboard contains a Set of 12 keys with name f1 to f2 are known as function keys.
- Used to generate short-cuts in different software package.
- There are lots of keys that are used for some specific task describes follows:
- TAB: used for gives multiple spaces or move the cursor to next defined position.
- ENTER: used for generate the output of any command.
- SPACE: used to make one blank space between two words.
- BACKSPACE: used to remove the left-most character at cursor position.
- DELETE: used to remove the right-most character at cursor position.
- HOME: moves the cursor at the beginning of the line.
- END: moves cursor at the end of the line.
- PAGE UP: moves or scroll the screen up or previous page of the current page.
- PAGE DOWN: moves the screen to the next page from the currently displayed page.
- PRINT SCREEN: used to print what is currently displayed on the screen.
- INSERT: used to enter text between two characters.
- ESC: used to negate current command or terminate the execution of the program.
- ALT: used to expand the functionality of keyboard. Basically used to generate shortcuts in different application.
- CTRL: used to expand the functionality of keyboard. Basically used to generate shortcuts in different application.
- NUMLOCK: used to on or off the numeric keypad.
- CAPSLOCK: used to type the all inputted text capitally.
- Special purpose keyboard is used for special purpose applications which requiredfaster data entry and rapid interaction with the computer system.
- For example ATM used in banks used special purpose keyboard which contains afew keys.
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