Haryana CET Exam 5 November 2022 1st Shift Answer Key | Page 3 of 5 | ExamSector
Haryana CET Exam 5 November 2022 1st Shift Answer Key

Q41. A ने ₹38,000 लगा कर व्यापार आरम्भ किया। 5 माह के बाद ₹ 55,000 की पूँजी लगा कर B ने भी इस व्यापार में प्रवेश किया। वर्ष के अंत में ₹22,000 का कुल लाभ हुआ । निम्न में से कौन-सी राशि A और B के लाभ के लगभग अन्तर के समान है ?
(1) 1,007
(2) 1,192
(3) 1,857
(4) 1,928
(5) उत्तर नहीं देना चाहते

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Q42. 14 मी. त्रिज्या तथा 3-5 मी. ऊँचाई के एक ठोस बेलन का मूल्य, जबकि इसमें प्रयुक्त धातु का मूल्य ₹ 50 प्रति घन मी. है, है :
(1) 1,00,208
(2) 1,07,800
(3) 1,08,000
(4) 1,09,800
(5) उत्तर नहीं देना चाहते

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Q43.₹126 प्रति किलोग्राम तथा ₹ 135 प्रति किलोग्राम की चाय की प्रकार को एक तीसरी प्रकार की चाय में 1: 1: 2 के अनुपात में मिलाया गया । यदि मिश्रण का मूल्य ₹ 153 प्रति किलोग्राम है, तो तीसरी प्रकार की चाय का प्रति किलोग्राम मूल्य
(1) 169-50
(2) 170-00
(3) 175-50
(4) 180-00
(5) उत्तर नहीं देना चाहते

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Q44. एक आदमी और एक लड़का मिल कर खुदाई का एक कार्य 40 दिन में कर सकते हैं जबकि उनकी खुदाई करने की गति का अनुपात 8 : 5 है । यदि लड़के को अकेले खुदाई के लिए लगाया जाए, तो वह इस कार्य को कितने दिनों में पूरा कर पाएगा ?
(1) 52 दिन
(2) 68 दिन
(3) 80 दिन
(4) 104 दिन
(5) उत्तर नहीं देना चाहते

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Q45. एक धनराशि साधारण ब्याज पर 7 वर्षों में दुगुनी हो जाती है । वह कितने वर्षों में चार गुनी हो जाएगी ?
(1) 18 वर्ष
(2) 21 वर्ष
(3) 38 वर्ष
(4) 42 वर्ष
(5) उत्तर नहीं देना चाहते

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Read the following passage carefully and answer questions 46, 47 and 48.
India is one of the oldest civilizations of the world, which offers a kaleidoscope of cultural experiences. The country has a rich heritage and numerous attractions. It stretches from the snow-capped Himalayan peaks to the tropical rain forests of the south covering 32,872,263 square kilometers. It is the world’s seventh largest country, distinguished from the rest of Asia by mountains and the sea which gives the country a distinct geographical identity. India showcases a variety of heritage resources crafted hundreds of years ago from huge heritage sites to pristine sea-beaches. Tourism contributes to substantial economic, social, cultural, educational and political development that generates both direct and indirect employment.
Q46. Tourism as an industry also contributes to our country’s:
(1) population and employment.
(2) agriculture and religion.
(3) education and employment.
(4) religion and statistics.
(5) Not attempted

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Q47. Besides the world’s oldest civilizations, India is largest country also the world’s
(1) third
(2) fifth
(3) tenth,
(4) seventh
(5) Not attempted

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Q48. Find out a word from the above passage which means ‘a country’s history, traditions and culture etc.
(1) identity
(2) heritage
(3) pristine
(4) attractions
(5) Not attempted

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Q49. Choose the word which is opposite in me the word underlined. “Earthquakes are frequent in Japan.”
(1) extinct
(2) unusual
(3) few
(4) rare
(5) Not attempted

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Q50. Choose the word which is opposite in mea the word underlined.
“She is slender in figure.”
(1) strong
(2) frail
(3) stout
(4) slim
(5) Not attempted

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Q51. Choose the alternative which best expres meaning of the underlined idiom. Her speech is always full of tall stories.
(1) long tales
(2) heroic stories
(3) exaggerated tales
(4) realistic stories
(5) Not attempted

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Q52. In the following question, out of the alternatives, choose the one which a substituted for the given sentence.
“An apartment building in which each apar is owned separately by the people living also containing shared areas.”
(1) Condominium
(2) Multiplex
(3) Duplex
(4) Caravan
(5) Not attempted

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Q53. Pick out the correctly spelt word.
(1) Outregeous
(2) Outrageous
(3) Outragous
(4) Outrajious
(5) Not attempted

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Q54. Choose the correct passive voice form of the following sentence.
Sheetal will have finished the work.
(1) The work is finished by Sheetal.
(2) The work will be finished by Sheetal.
(3) The work will have been finished by Sheetal.
(4) Sheetal will finish the work in due time.
(5) Not attempted

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Q55. Rearrange the following parts of a sentence labelled as PQRS to make a meaningful sentence.
P. deeds is to be
Q. on to the future
R. the power of noble S. preserved and passed
(1) RSQP
(2) SQPR
(3) PQSR
(4) RPSQ
(5) Not attempted

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Q56. Pick out the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, your answer is (4).
The simplest method (A), of welding two pieces of metal together (B)is known as pressure welding. (C)
(1) A.
(2) B
(3) C
(4) No error
(5), Not attempted

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Q57. Pick out the correct indirect speech form of the following sentence.
“I have bought a house,” he said.
(1) He said that he had bought a house.
(2) He said that he has bought a house.
(3) He said that he bought a house.
(4) He said that he would buy a house.
(5) Not attempted

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Q58. Choose the most appropriate preposition to fill in the blank. She succeeded dint of perseverance and hard work.
(1) for
(2) from
(3) by
(4) to
(5) Not attempted

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Q59. The old man is looking forward visits of his grandchildren.
(1) for
(2) in
(3) to
(4) with
(5) Not attempted

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Q60. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option given below. The Battle of Waterloo was won Eton.
(1) with the play field
(2) on the playing fields
(3) for play fielded
(4) in the played
(5) Not attempted

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