Haryana HTET PGT exam paper 16 November 2019 Level 3 With Answer Key | Page 2 of 2 | ExamSector
Haryana HTET PGT exam paper 16 November 2019 Level 3 With Answer Key

46. Which one of the following words underlined in the sentences given as options has been used as a verb ?
(1) The stage performances are called Raas Leela.
(2) The performers enacted Raas Leela on the stage.
(3) Each actor performed in a circular space on the stage in Raas Leela.
(4) The performing artist moved in a circular space on the stage in Raas Leela

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  Answer =  3   

47. Select the correct option from the following that correctly transforms the following sentence from Direct speech to Indirect speech : He said, ‘Congratulations!
(1) He congratulated me.
(2) He said to me congratulations.
(3) He exclaimed congratulations.
(4) He is saying congratulations.

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  Answer =   1  

48. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition : Do you usually go out….. Saturday evenings?
(1) in
(2) at
(3) on
(4) within

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  Answer =    3 

49. Choose the correct verb form in the following sentence against the blank space so as to complete the sentence : “My father ………. for Delhi yesterday.”
(1) leave
(2) will leave

(3) left
(4) will be leaving

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  Answer =    3 

50. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank space in the sentence which expresses the correct notion hinted in the bracket against the blank space : “You …… (command) apologise or face the consequences.”
(1) must
(2) shall
(3) may
(4) could

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  Answer =   1  

51. Pick out the correct option to indicate the use of adjective in the following sentence: “A Cool breeze blew from the sea.”
(1) breeze
(2) sea
(3) By cool
(4) blew

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  Answer =    3 

52. Identify the underlined word in the given sentence. I see him passing my house every day.
(1) Gerund
(2) Present Participle
(3) Infinitive
(4) Object

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  Answer = 2    

53. Identify the correct meaning of the underlined idiom in the following sentence from the options given below: “Climbing Mt. Everest is not a child’s play for anyone.”
(1) very easy to do
(2) very difficult to do
(3) pleasant to do
(4) boring to do

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  Answer =    2 

54. Which one of the following sentences in the options given below illustrates the use of Intransitive verb?
(1) So fire burns.
(2) The principal hoisted the flag on Independence Day.
(3) She is reading the newspaper.
(4) Our team won the match.

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  Answer =   1  

55. Choose the correct set of articles from the given options in the following sentence against the blank space : “The teacher wrote …….. outline of a story on ……… blackboard.”
(1) a, an
(2) an, the
(3) the, a
(4) a, the

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  Answer =    2 

56. Which one of the following words is not a noun ?
(1) advice
(2) rice
(3) device
(4) nice

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  Answer =   4  

57. Choose the word which is spelt correctly :
(1) Beegning
(2) Biginning
(3) Beginning
(4) Begining

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  Answer =    3 

58. “Reading improves your knowledge.” Identify the gerund in the above sentence from the options given below:
(1) knowledge
(2) improves
(3) reading
(4) your

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  Answer =   3  

59. Which of the options given below is the correct passive form of the following sentence ? “The Bhagvad Gita presents a balanced philosophy of life.”
(1) A balanced philosophy of life is presented by the Bhagvad Gita.
(2) A balanced philosophy of life has been presented by the Bhagvad Gita.
(3) The Bhagvad Gita has presented a balanced philosophy of life.
(4) A balanced philosophy of life was presented by the Bhagvad Gita.

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  Answer =  1   

60. Identify the compound word from the options given below:
(1) Development
(2) Newspaper
(3) Powerful SA.
(4) Childhood

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  Answer =   2  

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