NDA & NA Geography Questions in English | Page 5 of 5 | ExamSector
NDA & NA Geography Questions in English

81. Who among the following is famous as father of Modern Political Geography
(a) H. Mackinder (b) G. Taylor
(c) F. Ratzel (d) R. Hartshorne
82. Which type of rocks in India produces manganese?
(a) Gondwana (b) Dharwar
(c) Vindhya (d) Tertiary
83. Which one of the following is known as the ‘Pearl city’?
(a) Kandla (b) Tuticorin
(c) Hyderabad (d) Kochi
84. What is Khetri in Rajasthan famous for?
(a) Copper (b) Mica
(c) Bauxite (d) Limestone
85. . The state of India having almost monopoly in the production of chromite is
(a) Bihar (b) Odisha
(c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra
86. Which one of the following is the wettest place in India?
(a) Udhagamandalam (b) Mahabaleshwar
(c) Cherrapunji (d) Mawsynram
87. The term ‘operation flood’ refers to
(a) Flood control (b) Milk production
(c) Population control (d) Foodgrain production
88. The second highest peak of the world located in Himalayas is
(a) Nandadevi (b) Dhoulagiri
(c) Karnet (d) K2
89. Which of the following is a part of Eastern coast?
(a) Coromandel coast (b) Konkan coast
(c) Malabar coast (d) None of these
90. Why are dams made?
(a) To let water flow into the villages so that they are flooded
(b) To store water so that at the time of shortage it can be used
(c) To purify water
(d) None of them
91. What is a mine?
(a) A mine is a pit in the rock
(b) A mine is an excavation in the ground for digging out minerals
(c) A mine is a dense forest
(d) None of the above
92. In India, major wind farms to generate wind energy are set up at
(a) Hissar (Haryana) (b) Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
(c) Patna (Bihar) (d) Nagercoil (Tamil Nadu)
93. This is not a soil forming process.
(a) Gleying (b) Hydration
(c) Weathering (d) Translocation
94. The disease called ‘black arm’ affects
(a) bajra (b) suggarcane
(c) cotton (d) rice
95. The disease, ‘green ear’, affects
(a) coffee (b) bajra
(c) wheat (d) rice
96. We always see the same face of the moon because
(a) it is smaller than the earth.
(b) it revolves on its axis in a direction opposite to that of the earth.
(c) it takes equal time for both revolution around the earth and rotation on its own axis.
(d) it rotates at the same speed as the earth around the sun.
97. The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one moves from the to the
(a) Equator, poles
(b) Poles, equator
(c) Tropic of Cancer, equator
(d) Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn
98. A day is added when one crosses
(a) The equator from north to south
(b) 1800 longitude from west to east
(c) 1800 longitude from east to west
(d) the equator from south to north.
99. The stratosphere is said to be ideal for flying jet aircraft.
This is because
(a) this layer is rich in ozone which reduces fuel consumption
(b) the temperature is constant and ideal for aircraft engine efficiency
(c) this layer is out of the firing range of anti-aircraft guns
(d) of the absence of clouds and other weather phenomena
100. Snowfall occurs when
(a) water droplets freeze as they fall to the ground
(b) raindrops are carried up by updraughts in air
(c) dew point of air is below freezing point
(d) air is highly moist and rises due to convection
101. The process of change of state of water from solid directly into vapour is called
(a) condensation (b) snow fall
(c) sublimation (d) precipitation

***Answer keys****

1 (d) 14 (d) 27 (d) 40 (b) 53 (b) 66 (b) 79 (b) 92 (d)
2 (c) 15 (d) 28 (d) 41 (c) 54 (d) 67 (b) 80 (a) 93 (d)
3 (c) 16 (b) 29 (b) 42 (b) 55 (d) 68 (a) 81 (c) 94 (c)
4 (c) 17 (a) 30 (c) 43 (a) 56 (b) 69 (a) 82 (b) 95 (b)
5 (a) 18 (b) 31 (d) 44 (a) 57 (a) 70 (b) 83 (b) 96 (c)
6 (a) 19 (d) 32 (c) 45 (a) 58 (d) 71 (b) 84 (a) 97 (a)
7 (c) 20 (d) 33 (a) 46 (c) 59 (b) 72 (b) 85 (b) 98 (c)
8 (a) 21 (c) 34 (c) 47 (b) 60 (b) 73 (d) 86 (d) 99 (d)
9 (b) 22 (a) 35 (b) 48 (d) 61 (b) 74 (a) 87 (b) 100 (c)
10 (c) 23 (c) 36 (a) 49 (c) 62 (b) 75 (c) 88 (d) 101 (c)
11 (d) 24 (d) 37 (c) 50 (a) 63 (b) 76 (a) 89 (a)
12 (d) 25 (b) 38 (b) 51 (a) 64 (a) 77 (b) 90 (b)
13 (b) 26 (d) 39 (c) 52 (b) 65 (c) 78 (c) 91 (b)

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