REET Exam 27 Feb 2023 English Answer Key
Q121. Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom from the option that follow:
Turn a blind eye meand to?
(A) refuse to acknowledge a known truth.
(B) be open eyed.
(C) see with naked eye.
(D) be really blind.
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उत्तर ⇒ { A }
Q122. Change the following sentence into active voice from the option given below:
My pocket has been picked?
(A) Someone will have picked my pocket.
(B) I Picked my pocket.
(C) Someone has picked my pocket.
(D)Someone had picked my pocket.
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उत्तर ⇒ { C }
Q123. Choose the correct phrasal verb for the underlined word from the options that follow:
The chief guest distributed the prizes?
(A) gave in
(B) gave out
(C) gave over
(D) gave away
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उत्तर ⇒ { D }
Q124. Choose the correct exclamatory from of the given sentence from the options that follow:
It is very sad that poor Bimla is dead.
(A) Ho! Ho! poor Bimla is dead.
(B) Hurrah, poor Bimla is dead.
(C) Wow, Bimla is dead.
(D) Alas, poor Bimla is dead.
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उत्तर ⇒ { D }
Answer the question on the basis of your reading or the poem:
I left a Funeral, in my Brain,
And Mourners to and fro
Kept treading treading till it seemed
That sense was breaking through
And when they all were seated
A service like a Drum
Kept beating – beating – till I thought
My mind was going numb –
And then I heard them lift a Box
And creak across my soul
With those same boots of lead again
Then space began to toll
As all the Heavens were a Bell
And Being but and Ear
And I and Silence Some strange Race
Wrecked Solitary here
And then a Plank in Reason broke
And I dropped down and down.
Q125. Identify the figure of speech in the line:
Then space began to toll?
(A) Metaphor
(B) Alliteration
(C) Personification
(D) Satire
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उत्तर ⇒ { C }
Q126. Which one of the following is not true of the Audio-lingual method?
(A) Explicit grammar rules are provided.
(B) Not even a single word of student’s native language is used.
(C) Sometimes the teache acts out of the dialogue.
(D) The teacher presents a dialogue which student repeat and eventually memorize.
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उत्तर ⇒ { A }
Q127. The major weakness of the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)?
(A) Pair and group work build learners confidence and learning is interesting.
(B) Learners acquire fluence and accuracy.
(C) Learners get sufficient opportunities to practice language through tasks.
(D) Teacher’s involvement in teaching is less.
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उत्तर ⇒ { D }
Q128. Which of the following is not applicable of the demerits of bilingual method.
(A) If the teacher fails to understand this method there is a danger of making this method into translation method.
(B) There is every chance to get confused while differentiating the feachers of the L1 and Foreign language.
(C) Learners may not rely more on their L1.
(D) The teacher must be fluent in L1 and L2 also.
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उत्तर ⇒ { D }
Q129. Which of the following priciples not included The principles of Bilingual method.
(A) Meaning of new word, phrases, idioms, sentence and grammatical rules is conveyed through L1 in the initial stage of the Lesson.
(B) Pattern practice is given only in English.
(C) L1 is used only by the teacher to explain vocabulary and phrases.
(D) L1 is used only by the students to explain vocabulary and phrases.
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उत्तर ⇒ { D }
Q130. Which one is not included in the important of CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation)?
(A) CCE reduces stress and anxiety of children and adolescent during the examination.
(B) It reduced dropout rate as there will be less fear and anxiety related to performance.
(C) Learners do not develop concept clarity.
(D) It promotes holistic development of the personality of learners.
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उत्तर ⇒ { C }
Q131. Who has introduced the CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) system?
(A) CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education)
(B) NCTE (National Council of Teacher Education)
(C) RBSE (Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education)
(D) UGC (University Grants Commission)
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उत्तर ⇒ { A }
Q132. Which one of the following statement is not correct / true with regard to Audio-lingual method?
(A) Language is not for Communication.
(B) Language in learnt contextually.
(C) Language is learnt using the natural order-listening, speaking, regarding and writing.
(D) Repetition and drilling are common as language learning is part of the habit statement.
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उत्तर ⇒ { A }
Q133. Which one of the following is not true of communicative Language Teaching (CLT)?
(A) The most important goal of CLT is to enable the learners to communicate in the target language.
(B) This approach uses a text book to teach English language.
(C) Language learners in CLT learn and practice English through interaction one another teacher.
(D) Learners talk about personal experiences with peers and teachers teach topic which encourages language skills related to various situation.
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उत्तर ⇒ { B }
Q134. Which one of the following is not the type of tests?
(A) Aptitude test
(B) Attitude test
(C) Proficiency test
(D) Achievement test
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उत्तर ⇒ { B }
Q135. Which of the following statement is correct with regard to audio-lingual method?
(A) Vocabulary first then grammar structures are taught.
(B) First using examples then rules are taught.
(C) Errors are not corrected immediately.
(D) Teachers are the role models of language uses.
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उत्तर ⇒ { D }
Q136. बैलक ने व्यक्तित्व मापन के लिए तैयार किए गये बालकों के प्रसंगबोध परीक्षण हेतु क्या आयु वर्ग रखा था?
(A) 3 से 10 वर्ष
(B) 0 से 2 वर्ष
(C) 11 से 14 वर्ष
(D) 15 से 18 वर्ष
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उत्तर ⇒ { A }
Q137. निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा द्वितीयक प्रबलक नहीं है?
(A) भोजन
(B) प्रशंसा
(C) श्रेणियाँ
(D) धन
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उत्तर ⇒ { A }
Q138 एकल प्रयास अधिगम का नियम सम्बन्धित है?
(A) एडविन रे गुथरी से
(B) क्लार्क एल. हल से
(C) बी. एफ. स्कीनर से
(D) एलबर्ट बण्डूरा से
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उत्तर ⇒ { A }
Q139. हावर्ड गार्डनर के बहु बुद्धि, स्वभाव, प्रेरणा तथा अभिप्राय को उचित तरीके से पता लगाने एवं प्रतिक्रिया करने की योग्यता ।
(A) अंतरावैयक्तिक
(B) अंतवैयक्तिक
(C) नैदानिक
(D) प्रकृतिवादी
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उत्तर ⇒ { B }
Q140. अभिक्रमित अधिगम निम्नलिखित में से किस पर आधारित है?
(A) क्रियाप्रसूत अनुबंधन
(B) क्षेत्र सिद्धान्त
(C) गेस्टॉल्ट अधिगम
(D) परम्परागत अनुबंधन
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उत्तर ⇒ { A }
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