RSCIT Exam 7 May 2023 Answer Key ( English )
RSCIT Exam 7 May 2023 Answer Key ( English )

21. What is the process of turning on the computer?
(A) Starting
(B) Turning on
(C) Hibernating
(D) Booting

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Ans. ⇒ { D }

22. Which of the following is an example of a web browser?
(A) Google Chrome
(B) Safari
(C) Mozilla Firefox
(D) All of these

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Ans. ⇒ { D }

23. Which of the following can be considered as e-Governance services?
(A) Driving License
(B) Driving a Car
(C) Buying Vegetables
(D) Printing T-Shirt

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Ans. ⇒ { A }

24. Which of the following alignment option in MS-Word 2010 aligns each line of the paragraph between left and right margins. and produces straight edges on both left and right edges?
(A) Center
(B) Justify
(C) Left
(D) Right

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Ans. ⇒ { B }

25. Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive and Drop Box are the examples of:
(A) Operating System
(B) Search Engine
(C) Network Topology
(D) Cloud Storage Services

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Ans. ⇒ { D }

26. Statement 1: Watermark option is used to insert ghosted text behind the content of the page in MS-Word.
Statement 2: Indent option is used to change the spacing between the paragraphs Sin MS-Word.
Choose the appropriate option from the following:
(A) Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect.
(B) Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement 2 is correct.
(C) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect.
(D) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct.

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Ans. ⇒ { A }

27. Suppose obtained marks of each paper are in B2 to B7 cells. Maximum Marks are 100 for each paper. What is the correct formula to calculate percentage in MS-Excel 2010 ?
(A) =SUM(B2: B7)/600*100
(B) =600*100/SUM(B2: B7)
(C) = OBTAIN(B2: B7)/600*100
(D) All of these

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Ans. ⇒ { A }

28. If you add a recipient email address in box of an email message, copy of the message is sent to that recipient, and recipient name is not visible to other recipients of the message.
(A) To
(B) Cc
(C) Bcc
(D) Subject

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Ans. ⇒ { C }

29. DNS service must translate…….. into the corresponding
(A) IP address, Domain name
(B) Domain name, IP address
(C) Client, Server
(D) Folder, File

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Ans. ⇒ { B }

30. You can charge your phone, tablet or other device wirelessly by putting the device on charging pad, without having physically plugged in:
(A) Mega charging
(B) Inductive charging
(C) Beta charging
(D) Giga charging

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Ans. ⇒ { B }

31. What is Big Data ?
(A) It is used to enhance overall appearance of the document in MS-Word 2010.
(B) It is data sets that are so voluminous and complex that traditional data processing application software are inadequate to deal with them.
(C) A utility to copy formatting from one area in the worksheet and apply it to another area.
(D) It is a directory that is moved into source directory.

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Ans. ⇒ { B }

32. Which of the following services can be availed through the e-Mitra portal?
(A) Bill payment
(B) Application for certificates
(C) Filing of grievances,
(D) All of these

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Ans. ⇒ { D }

33. What is the shortcut key for starting a slide show from the beginning in MS PowerPoint?
(A) F5
(B) F6
(C) F7
(D) F8

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Ans. ⇒ { A }

34. What is the shortcut key for pasting copied cell(s) or range in MS-Excel ?
(A) Ctrl+C
(B) Ctrl + X
(C) Ctrl+V
(D) Ctrl + A

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Ans. ⇒ { C }

35. What is the shortcut key for opening a new document or window ?
(A) Ctrl +0
(B) Ctrl+S
(C) Ctrl + N
(D) Ctrl+P

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Ans. ⇒ { C }

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