RSMSSB Junior Accountant & Tehsil Revenue Accountant Paper 1st 11 Feb 2024 Answer Key | Page 2 of 8 | ExamSector
RSMSSB Junior Accountant & Tehsil Revenue Accountant Paper 1st 11 Feb 2024 Answer Key

21. Transform the given sentence into negative form choosing the best option from below: Everyone present there, cheered for her.
(A) There was no one present there who did not cheer for her.
(B) There was no one absent to cheer for her.
(C) All but none cheered for her there.
(D) There was no one present there who cheered for her.
(E) Question not attempted

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उत्तर ⇒ { A }

22. किसी कक्षा में लड़कियों और लड़कों की संख्या में 24:16 का अनुपात है। कक्षा में लड़कियों की प्रतिशत संख्या क्या है?
(A) 66
(B) 56
(C) 40
(D) 60
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { D }

23. निम्नलिखित में से राजस्थान का कौन सा जनजातीय जिला पहला “खुले में शौच से मुक्त” (ओडीएफ) जिला बन गया है?
(A) टोंक
(B) डूंगरपुर
(C) चुरू
(D) अजमेर
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { B }

24. निम्न में से कौनसा ओ. ओ.पी. (आब्जेक्ट ओरिएंटिड प्रोग्रामिंग) सिद्धांत नहीं है:
(A) फ्रेंड क्लास
(B) संक्षिप्त करना
(C) वंशानुक्रम
(D) आंकड़ों का सारग्रहण
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { A }

25. √2 और 17 के बीच की परिमेय संख्या है:
(A) 2.64998
(B) 2.432
RSMSSB Junior Accountant & Tehsil Revenue Accountant exam paper 2024 (Answer Key)(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { D }

26. ISRO का वर्तमान अध्यक्ष कौन है?
(A) एस. सोमनाथ
(B) पी. वीरामुधुवेल
(C) जी. माधवन नैयर
(D) के. सीवन
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { A }

27. X एक नरम तत्व है और जिसे चाकू से काटा जा सकता है। उसे हवा में खुला नहीं रखा जा सकता और वह पानी के साथ बहुत तेजी से अभिक्रिया करता है। X को पहचानिए ।
(A) सोडियम
(B) फ़ॉस्फोरस
(D) मैग्नीशियम
(C) कैल्शियम
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { A }

28. उद राजस्थान से पद्म विभूषण अवार्ड (पुरस्कार) लेने वाला पहला व्यक्ति कौन था?
(A) मोहन सिन्हा मेहता
(B) घनश्याम दास बिरला
(C) ऊषा शर्मा
(D) नरेश चन्द्र
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { B }

29. सूची I के साथ सूची II का मिलान कीजिए:
सूची-I सूची-II
a. आँखों का तारा I. बहुत लज्जित होना ।
b. पानी-पानी होना II. बहुत प्यारा होना ।
c. अछूता होना III. गले लगाना
d. अंक भरना IV. बेदाग होना
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सही उत्तर का चयन कीजिए:
(A) a-II, b-I, C- IV, d-III
(B) a-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III
(C) a-I, b-III, C- IV, d-II
(D) a- I, b-II, c-IV, d-III
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { A }

30. मध्यकाल राजस्थान का कौन सा शासक “अभिनव भारत का आचार्य” कहलाता है?
(A) पृथ्वीराज चौहान
(B) मानसिंह
(C) सवाई जय सिंह
(D) महाराणा कुम्भा
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { D }

31. मलेरिया का परजीवी, लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं में प्रवेश करके, निम्नलिखित में से किस अंग को प्रभावित करता है?
(A) छोटी आँत
(B) आमाशय
(C) मस्तिष्क
(D) यकृत
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { D }

Q.No. 32-36: Read the following Passage and answer the questions that follow:
Bhutan is a mesmerising mix of lofty mountains and deep valleys on the southeast slope of the Himalayas. Towering peaks reach as high as 24,000 feet (7,315 metres).
Also referred to as the land of the thunder dragon is a trekker’s paradise and an environmentalist’s dream. With 72% of the country under forest cover, Bhutan’s pristine ecology is home to endemic and endangered flora and fauna.
This spiritual land is the last bastion of the Vajrayana school of Mahayana Buddhism, which provides the essence of the identity of the 7,50,000 Bhutanese. Bhutan is a unique blend of the old and new. The country is slowly opening up to the modern world whilst maintaining a fine balance with its ancient traditions. Bhutan’s first national elections in March 2008 marked the country’s shift from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. In keeping with its ethos, it was a peaceful transition.
The tourism industry in Bhutan is founded on the principle of sustainability, meaning that tourism must be environmentally and ecologically friendly, as well as socially and culturally acceptable. The number of visitors to Bhutan is regulated because of the lack of infrastructure.
Bhutan’s Government recognises that tourism is an important means means of achieving socio- economic development, particularly for a developing country like Bhutan. They also aim to help promote understanding among the people and build closer ties of friendship, based on appreciation and respect for different cultures and lifestyles.
32. When was the first election held in Bhutan?
(A) March 2012
(B) March 2023
(C) March 2018
(D) March 2008
(E) Question not attempted

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उत्तर ⇒ { D }

33. Match List-I with List-II:
List-I (Words) List-II (Meaning)
a. Flora I. Of great height
b. Lofty II. Culture
c. Monarchy III. Plant life
d. Ethos IV. Government of one ruler
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(A) a-II, b-III, c-I, d-IV
(B) a-III, b-1, c-IV, d-II
(C) a-IV, b-III, c-I, d-II
(D) a-I, b-II, C-III, d-IV
(E) Question not attempted

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उत्तर ⇒ { B }

34. Select the best option as an answer to the question given below: Why are the number of tourists regulated in Bhutan?
(A) Due to danger for flora and fauna
(B) Due to lofty mountains and deep valleys
(C) Due to forest area
(D) Due to lack of infrastructure
(E) Question not attempted

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उत्तर ⇒ { D }

35. Complete the following sentence using the best option: Bhutan is a unique blend to old and new as …….
(A) there is a fine balance between modern world with ancient traditions.
(B) new visitors are coming more often now.
(C) there is socio-economic development.
(D) there are old and new people around.
(E) Question not attempted

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उत्तर ⇒ { A }

36. Complete the given statement by choosing the suitable option.
The tourism industry in Bhutan is founded on the principle of sustainability which means …….
(A) tourism has to be restricted.
(B) tourism has to be ecologically friendly.
(C) tourism has to be based on religion.
(D) tourism has to be promoted.
(E) Question not attempted

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उत्तर ⇒ { B }

37. सूची-I और सूची -II का मिलान कीजिए:
RSMSSB Junior Accountant & Tehsil Revenue Accountant exam paper 2024 (Answer Key)नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सही उत्तर का चयन कीजिए:
(A) a-III, b-1, c-II, d-IV
(B) a-I, b-III, c-IV, d-II
(C) a-III, b-1, c-IV, d-II
(D) a-III, b-IV, c-I, d-II
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { C }

38. शुद्ध वाक्य का चयन कीजिए-
(A) मुझे जाना है।
(B) आप बैठो।
(C) वहाँ अनेकों लोग खड़े हैं।
(D) मेरे को जाना है।
(E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न

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उत्तर ⇒ { A }

Q.No. 39-43: Read the given Passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Exercise makes us feel good
It feels good to have a strong, flexible body. and do all activities you enjoy. Exercising can actually put us in a better mood. When we exercise, the brain releases a chemical called “endorphins” which makes us feel happier. This is just another reason why we should exercise! However, some people feel that you should not exercise if it is hot.
Actually, summer’s heat and humidity shouldn’t keep you from exercising you just need to take precautions. Some of these are: Exercise in the morning or evening, when temperatures are lowef Wear light coloured clothing, which are not too tight.
Work out in shaded areas as much as possible. If you are exercising less than two hours, drink water before and during the activity. After exercise, make sure you drink enough water to completely quench your thirst.
39. Select the appropriate answer to the given question:
How does exercise make us feel happy?
Answer: Exercise makes us feel happy because …………
(A) it makes you drinkļa lot of water.
(B) it puts you in a good mood.
(C) it makes you go fütside home.
(D) it makes the brain release ‘endorphins which makes us happy.
(E) Question not attempted

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उत्तर ⇒ { D }

40. Complete the following statement choosing the best option: If you are exercising, you should not ………….
(A) exercise in morning or evening
(B) exercise in the hot sun.
(C) drink water before and during the activity
(D) drink a lot of water
(E) Question not attempted

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उत्तर ⇒ { B }

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